Plant Medicine: Wild Yam for IBD

Wild yam is a beautiful New England plant that grows in moist woods, swamps, and ditches. For centuries, indigenous and early Americans have taken wild yam root as medicine. Wild yam root helps to defend and strengthen many systems of the body. Among its many uses, wild yam offers potent medicine for the digestive system.ContinueContinue reading “Plant Medicine: Wild Yam for IBD”

IBS + Four Herbal Remedies

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a widespread digestive disorder. It causes abdominal pain, discomfort, and irregular bowel movements. Having IBS is a frustrating mess, and its no wonder it is one of the more common reasons that folks visit the doctor. Symptoms of IBS IBS is a chronic condition. The symptoms may come and go,ContinueContinue reading “IBS + Four Herbal Remedies”

EASY RECIPE ALERT: Green Goddess Zucchini Pasta

Why should green goddess be reserved for salads? Today’s easy recipe feature is a simple, 20-minute pasta-based dish that features summer favorites: avocado, zucchini, and cherry tomatoes. I’m so impressed — tried this one right away and will be making it again and again! You can also try making this with 100% zucchini noodles andContinueContinue reading “EASY RECIPE ALERT: Green Goddess Zucchini Pasta”

Fiber, Microbes, and the Gut Clock

Fiber. My favorite F-word. Plant foods contain fiber, and are the only source of fiber in the diet. Among its many benefits to us, like increasing feelings of satiety after eating, improving bowel regularity, and aiding in blood sugar control, fiber is THE food for the helpful microbes in our digestive system. Our digestive systemContinueContinue reading “Fiber, Microbes, and the Gut Clock”

Easy Recipe Alert: Farro Salad

Have you tried farro yet? Farro is fiber-rich complex carbohydrate — a whole grain with noteworthy mineral content (in particular, minerals magnesium, iron, zinc, each critical to emotional balance and strengthening the body’s anti-stress response), as well as a lovely dose of mood and energy-boosting B-vitamins. Nutrition facts aside, farro makes a delicious, satisfying centerContinueContinue reading “Easy Recipe Alert: Farro Salad”