Pregnancy First trimester: What nutrients do I need?

Despite all the jokes about “eating for two,” the reality of the first trimester might be closer to prenatal vitamins, rice cakes, and ginger ale. Even women who manage to enjoy regular meals and snacks might not be following a balanced and nutritious way of eating. Here are the top nutrients to consider during earlyContinueContinue reading “Pregnancy First trimester: What nutrients do I need?”

Ways to Manage Morning Sickness

To help with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, remember that it’s better to have something in your stomach than to go without eating or drinking. Being dehydrated or very hungry can make things feel worse. Instead of giving up, try some of these tips and see what works for you: Eat smaller, frequent meals orContinueContinue reading “Ways to Manage Morning Sickness”

Vegetarian and Vegan Proteins in Pregnancy

All the hype about going plant-based seems to overlook that it takes a lot of work to have a balanced diet as a vegan or vegetarian. This eating pattern can be too low in calories, come up short on the essential amino acids that come from protein foods, lack omega-3 fatty acids, and might notContinueContinue reading “Vegetarian and Vegan Proteins in Pregnancy”

Dieting during Pregnancy

It can be difficult during pregnancy to get away from the food, exercise, and lifestyle habits we enjoyed before. My clients often ask about how to safely transition some of their diet habits into a healthy pregnancy. Here are answers to a few commonly asked questions. Should I be counting calories? Counting calories could beContinueContinue reading “Dieting during Pregnancy”

After giving birth: Weight Loss Expectations

In the postpartum phase, it’s important to focus on restoring balance and allowing the body to heal. Weight loss should be approached gradually, with a typical timeline of 6 to 12 months to return to pre-pregnancy weight. Rapid weight loss can hinder recovery and milk supply, so it’s essential to be patient and prioritize a nutrient-dense diet for overall well-being.