Fiber, Microbes, and the Gut Clock

Fiber. My favorite F-word. Plant foods contain fiber, and are the only source of fiber in the diet. Among its many benefits to us, like increasing feelings of satiety after eating, improving bowel regularity, and aiding in blood sugar control, fiber is THE food for the helpful microbes in our digestive system. Our digestive systemContinueContinue reading “Fiber, Microbes, and the Gut Clock”

Boosting Autumn Energy and Mood, 3 Ways

The change of seasons in New England is more than just a temperature shift. The days grow shorter, and with that, our body clock adjusts. We may find our sleep to be more restless or fitful, our skin drier than usual, and our bowel movements may become irregular. Our energy may be increased, even leadingContinueContinue reading “Boosting Autumn Energy and Mood, 3 Ways”